Friday, May 18, 2007

متابعة لدعوة التواصل stephen

Dear friends
continuation for our invitation to try to know each other more and welcoming any friends all over the world I'm introducing another student from the
in which they aimed toThe purpose of my research is to test the following hypothesis: Civil society organizations perform a crucial dual role for newly immigrated Muslims as well as for long-established Muslim minority communities, by encouraging connections to their former homeland and teaching skills for integration.
While the actions of governments can be seen easily through legislation and administrative policies, the actions of civil society are harder to identify.
But precisely because civil society is less rigid and more informal, it has the potential to respond to problems in more creative and effective ways.
But to learn about these connections, I will go to the field.Thus to test this hypothesis and fill a gap in the literature on civil society in Muslim communities, I will travel to Brazil, France, Norway, Russia, India, and Singapore this summer, There I will conduct interviews with leaders, staff, and members of organizations within Muslim diaspora and Muslim minority communities.
I will investigate the services each organization provides and its effects on the Muslim community and the larger community of which it is a part.
and there is more informations in this link
More info on the grant and the foundation.

stephen one of those students during their study there is aworld tour will let students study Muslims And Islam All over the world,thats what stephen wrote about him self in Nicks Blog

I am an incoming freshman to Michigan State's James Madison College who is planning to study international relations and arabic.
When I read the article in the Oakland Press, I thought to myself, wow that's where I hope to be in a few years.
I've started to learn some arabic on my own to get a head start before this fall. Is there any advice that you could give me as I start my own journey?
My email is , if you could email me it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you & Good Luck,
Stephen Sharp
May 13, 2007 6:43 PM
and I received this comment from him on my Blog
Thanks for the email. I've been studying the alphabet, and learned about 12 letters.
I'm going to get the alphabet down and hand writing.
Is there anything else you suggest I should focus on or tips?
Thanks for the message, and I'll be sure to keep in touch.
Stephen Sharp
today I wrote this to let my friends know about him and his friends if any one likes to get in touch with him his email adress above,

stephen we like to visit your Bloge and and read more about you ,we can answer any questions you might have to the extend of our knowledge
May 16, 2007 7:49 PM


قاسم أفندي said...

انشاء الله تكوني بخير

Gid-Do - جدو said...


فينك مختفية؟
ارجو ان تكونى بخير

hamasat said...

Dear Ayemin And Gido
Thanks Alot for caring about me ,Im Fine but having some family issues and in shaa allah I will return back soon ,Im missing all of you .

قاسم أفندي said...

take care and will be waiting for you
good luck

مـحـمـد مـفـيـد said...

السلام عليكم
كل عام وانت بخير
بمناسبه رمضان واللهم أجعلك من عتقاء هذا الشهر وان يتقبلك الله بقبول حسن
والاسره الكريمه بكل خير وصحه وسعاده
وان يجعل هذا الشهر شاهد لنا لا علينا

gamal said...

أين انت ؟ وماذا بك
التأخير ده جعلنا قلقون عليك
نرجو ان يكون المانع خير
كل عام وانت بخير وبصحه وسعادة
لكى كل التحيه والتقدير

gamal said...

عيـــــــد مبـــارك

كل عام وأنتم جميعًا بخير بمناسبة قدوم عيد الفطر المبارك ، أسأل الله العلى القدير لى ولكم ولكل المسلمين
والمسلمات السعادة في الدنيا والآخرة ، كما أسأله سبحانه وتعــالى أن يتقبل
طاعتنا في رمضان ، وأن يثبتنا عليها بعد رمضان ،
تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمــال
اللهم آمين